
Earliest advertisements for “Skipping Girl Vinegar” seem to appear around 1915 with the price of 6d per large bottle.
The Vinegar Co. of Australia.
Advertisement – The (Hobart) Mercury 9th June 1924
Empty Casks
Wholesale and Retail Grocers are hereby notified
That Casks despatched from our Factory prior to 2nd December, 1922, will not be subject to credit unless returned in good order and condition to our Factory on or before 31st October, 1924.
Casks despatched from 3rd December 1922, up to and including 30th June, 1924, will be subject to credit if returned in good order and condition to our Factory by 30th June 1925.
From 1st July 1924, credit will only be passed if casks are returned to our Factory in good order and condition within 12 months after date of issue.
Nycander and Co. Pty. Ltd.
627 Victoria-street,
The Vinegar Company of Australia
Advertisement – Sunday Times (Perth) 17th January 1926
“Skipping Girl” Brand
During the summer season with its hot winds and dust, many a housewife will realise the importance of serving dainty salads to her family and in this connection readers will find in “Skipping Girl” vinegar a product that fills a want in every home.
Few people realise the importance attached to this manufacture and the necessity of scientific methods directed by a staff of hightly technical chemists. In the first place, its bsis is derived from the finest barley grown and it is from this source that a justifiable claim is made by the manufacturers of a pure malt vinegar.
Malt vinegar contains a large proportion of the nutriment of the original grain from which it is produced, and is therefore more palatable and more nutritious than any other kind.
Messrs. William Treen and Co., Wellington Buildings, Perth are the representatives for West Australia.