C. C. Simpson, Chemist, Queenscliff


Simpson Chemist Queenscliff Old Prescription Bottle

Death Notice of Charles C. Simpson from the Queenscliff Sentinel, December 24th 1892 (Available on the Trove website).

It is with deep regret we record the death of Mr C. C. Simpson. Although he had been ailing for some time, a fatal termination to his illness was not feared, as he had purchased tickets for a trip to New Zealand. But within the past few days serious symptoms set in, and yesterday afternoon he closed a life of usefulness in connection with local affairs which will scarcely be replaced.

Born in 1835, Mr Simpson was a native of Derby in England. In 1859 he came to Queenscliff, and started in business as a druggist. His ability was soon appreciated, for shortly after his arrival here he was elected a councillor of the borough, which position he held for 20 years. During that time he was made Mayor, and interested himself strenuously in the improvement of the Public Reserves. Appointed Justice of the Peace, he unremittingly fulfilled his duty with care and marked intelligence. But Mr. Simpson, whose death we deplore, was an all round man. Whether as a councillor or in any other capacity, Queenscliff was his home and heart. He lived in and for Queenscliff. Whatever he undertook seemed to prosper in his hands – Library, Church, Bowling Green, and anything else, all were successful, if he gave it his attention. Whether on the magisterial bench or at local meetings, in his own business or in anything which had for its end the advancement of the town, his energy was never failing. We must make special mention of the unceasing interest he took in the Public Library. In this respect we scarcely know where to look for his successor. But all the public institutions of the borough will miss his intelligent mind and marked business capacity, especially in matters of finance.

In the death of Mr Charles C. Simpson, Queenscliff has lost an able man, and we trust that his worth may not be wanting in the younger generation.

The probate records of Charles Cheney Simpson, Chemist, Queenscliff (which can be viewed on the Public Records Office of Victoria website), state that the total assets of Mr. Simpson’s estate was a quite substantial £6500.

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